1. General information
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce International Engineering BBA1 S.L., as owner of the website communicates the identification data required by the Act.
– BBA1 International Engineering S.L.
– Tax residence in: Zaragoza (España) C.P.50009, Avda. Juan Carlos I 45
– Tel: +34 976 08 07 38 /+34 674 850 805
– E-mail: bba1@bba1ingenieros.com
– C.I.F.: B99391187
BBA1 International Engineering S.L. is registered in Volume: 4006 book: 0 Folio: 7 Blade: Z-55748 Mercantile Registry of Zaragoza.
This information regulates the conditions of use, disclaimers and obligations that users of the Web page that is published under the domain name which users assume and undertake to respect.
2. Confidentiality
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3. Data treatment
BBA1 International Engineering S.L., informs you that the information you provide will not be disclosed under any circumstances without their express permission. They will be treated within the current legislation on data protection, Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data. (LOPD). They will be included in a computer file called clients duly registered in the RGDP, applying on it the appropriate security measures, thereby ensuring the security of their personal data.
The responsible of this file is BBA1 International Engineering S.L. CIF B99391187, with address for notifications in the C / Eduardo Ibarra 6, 50009 Zaragoza.
The function of collecting this information is to establish a business relationship, send information and specific documentation, budgeting or inform them of our services and products of our company.
We inform you turn it may exercise rights of access, consultation, rectification, cancellation or opposition by writing to bba1@bba1ingenieros.com, specifying your application and accompanying your ID Name and ID or company name and VAT to which it belongs . Sending this e-mail replies with all current legislation, Organic Law on Data Protection and Services Act the Information Society.
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7. Limitations or exclusions of liability
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8. Website update
BBA1 International Engineering S.L. It reserves the right to update, modify or delete information contained on its web site, and the configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice, and without assuming any responsibility for it.
9. Cookies
This website uses “cookies”.
Description: Cookies are a tool used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors. It’s just a text file that some servers ask our browser to write in our hard disk, with information about what we have been visiting for these pages. They have an expiration date, which can range from the duration of the session until a specified future date, after which they cease to be operative.
Cookies are used to facilitate navigation through the Portal and to achieve greater efficiency and personalization of the services offered to users. The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous user and computer, do not provide references from which the name of the User and can not read data off your hard disk or include viruses on their computers. Also, you can not read the cookies implanted in the user’s hard disk from other servers.
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